Its been more than a year since the nationwide launch of Voda Rainwater Harvesting System and we’ve been very privileged to have worked with various established corporates and homeowners since, in helping them equip their homes & structures with rain harvesting capabilities.
For the Voda Team, it has been particularly fulfilling to see how Voda has helped many homes overcome water concerns especially during the severe drought & water rationing in March/April 2014.
Of late, we had the honor of working on an inspiring project with the Rotary Club. Rotary Club had a charitable aspiration of donating rainwater harvesting systems to SMJK Dindings, Sitiawan and later found Voda & elected the team on board to devise a rain harvesting solution that is all around cost practical.
We are happy to announce that Rotary Club’s goal is finally accomplished. The school is now equipped with 7 large rain tanks which are serving a total of 16 toilets.

We estimate the school to be enjoying at least 50% savings in treated water. While this may not translate into substantial monetary savings given Malaysia’s low water tariff, the adoption of rain harvesting is material step in raising awareness on the importance of rain harvesting and safeguarding water supply, especially when global water shortage is increasingly more severe.
To put into perspective, every time we flush, we flush a way 6 litres of water – which is essentially equivalent to 3 days’ worth of our drinking essential. Think about the number of students, and the number of flushes a day, multiplied by the number of schools.
We cannot imagine what positive impact this could create when more schools adopt the same practice.
We are also very proud of this milestone as we overcame a traditional barrier. Traditionally, rain harvesting systems require electric pumps to function, especially to harvest such large capacity of rain.
We are pleased to have devised a solution that is fully emission-free & non-energy dependent. This not only brings down the initial cost of the system, but also helps the school save in maintenance costs.
Inspired by Rotary’s charitable efforts, we too, would like to give back. We are looking to donate and help set up three (3) sets of Voda Rain Harvesting Systems for people in need, starting from the state of Penang.
If you know of such a place within Penang, be it orphanage/school/old folks home etc, especially a place which is not getting enough water to meet daily needs or would appreciate some water bill savings to some extent, feel free to nominate a recipient or even share the message.
As we advance, we hope to be able to expand these efforts to other states in the future.
If you’d like to nominate a recipient, contact us.